• +55 (19) 3534-3663
  • contato@avifag.com.br
  • Monday-Friday - 08:00-11:30 / 13:00-17:30


Indicated for debeaking seven days old chickens, using the guide plate of the beak.
For redebeaking or second pass, for 70 days old chickens, use the base for pullet
In this model, the head movement is made by a mechanical treadle.
The exhaust fan removes the smoke from the burned beak, through the back part of the machine, providing more comfort to the operator and cooling the transformer

  • Telephone and Whatsapp:
    +55 (19) 3534-3663

  • Av. 3, 2060 - Jardim Claret
    13503-251 - Rio Claro/SP - Brasil


"We constantly seek solutions to their problems in the field using technology and practical knowledge in poultry farming."

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